Locate your instruments wherever you go! Traveling with instruments remains a worry for musician

Travelling with instruments remains a worry for musician
Traveling with an instrument can be a nerve-wracking endeavor.
Airplanes are an inconvenient place for musicians who often have to fly overseas, as airlines have been enforcing ironclad rules when it comes to traveling with musical instruments.
GEGO global tracking device is the smartest and easiest way to locate your instruments worldwide.
You can place it in your instrument cases, luggage, purse or anything you want to locate. Use your smartphone to receive notifications alerts. Other devices can only track small distance, GEGO can track globally.
Try GEGO today! More than a GPS tracker.
If you are a band, please contact us by email: info@gego.io, to receive a special bulk discount.
Use GEGO app to locate your instruments worldwide
- Receive airport arrival notifications

- Safe locations